DMPI-ECCC Joins COOP Month 2017 Parade

The cooperative movement of the Philippines celebrates the Cooperative Month every October, pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 493, series of 2003. The celebration this year 2017 focuses on the theme “Cooperatives: Empowering the Poor and the Vulnerable Towards Job Creation and Poverty Eradication”. In line with this, cooperatives all over the country host various activities to promote the advocacy of the movement.
As a vital arm of this endeavor, the DMPI-ECCC’s officers and staff had once again fulfilled its commitment to raise consciousness to the society for the cooperatives, by joining the COOP MONTH PARADE last October 1, 2017, along with several coop groups in Region 10. The celebration was led by Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) where one of the highlights was a kick-off program at Capitol Provincial Ground signified by ribbon-cutting ceremony, which set off the start of the month-long series of activities. A jubilant parade around the city-proper followed that also ended at the Capitol Ground, where the program of celebration continued. Honored guests from the local government unit have given inspiring messages which uplifted the spirit of cooperativism among the participants. There were also lots of fun and entertainment contributed by various coop groups in the region.
Indeed, given the vast number of participants during the event, the cooperative movement in the country today has clearly taken off the ground and has become a solid force in empowering the poor and marginalized sectors of society. As Kofi Annan (former United Nations Secretary-General) said: “Founded on the principles of private initiative, entrepreneurship and self-employment, underpinned by the values of democracy, equality and solidarity, the cooperative movement can help pave the way to a more just and inclusive economic order”.