Blood Letting 2017

According to Philippine National Red Cross (PNR), the blood demand of Filipinos now reaches 2,500 to 3,000 units every day. Given this, PRC needs healthy individuals to donate their precious blood, as invaluable contribution to save one’s life. DMPI-ECCC has embarked on this endeavor together with Allied Multi-purpose Cooperative in two occasions, last October 20 and 28, 2017. Some of the officers have even stepped forward and be counted, by voluntarily donating blood without remuneration. Donating blood has health benefits as this stimulates the bone marrow to produce new blood cells which in turn, makes blood forming organs function more effectively.
Blood donors are considered HEROES because they save precious lives. Blood is needed by people during emergencies, as adequate supply of safe and quality blood enables the PNR to respond to emergencies, i.e. serious health problems, earthquakes, typhoons and accidents. The donors themselves may need blood some time – blood they themselves or we, have donated. So, stay healthy, DONATE BLOOD and SAVE LIVES.